The Romans • Hospitality

Getting to the Point is the Hideaway Point blog. It is the place where we share our larger vision for this special place - what inspires us, what we value and the hopes and dreams we have for Hideaway Point.

Hospitality is a multi billion dollar leisure and entertainment industry - fueled by consumer trends and a well oiled marketing machine. It is easy to forget that it is actually about making other people feel loved and welcome.

The book of Romans was written by Paul to the early Christian church. At the time, Rome was one of the largest Mediterranean cities, the hub of the Roman Empire - a wealthy, polytheistic society. Paul’s letter gave direction and encouragement to a community of people (Jews and Gentiles) that were living in a countercultural way - seeking unity, pursuing healthy fruitful lives - following the way of Jesus. In the twelfth chapter of Romans, Paul says “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” It is one of my favorite verses. I love how hospitality sits at the end of this lofty list of instructions - quietly noting its importance.  

In the coming years, Nero would begin persecuting Christians for their monotheistic beliefs - setting them on fire to provide light for his garden at night. As the world became dark - hospitality became a habit that would sustain the work of faith. Paul doesn’t invite the early church into a brand of hospitality that wears them out. He is not asking them to feel insecure about their cooking or table linens. He is giving them a “tool” that will help them stay encouraged.

We have been the recipient of so much generous hospitality in our lifetime. Remarkable mentors, family members, friends and people we didn’t know - that have been role models in the art of loving people. This is the brand of hospitality that Paul talks about in his letter to the Romans. He is inviting the church into a practice that is countercultural and has the ability to change the world. We hope that Hideaway Point will be a place where people experience that brand of hospitality. It is different…

We believe in the power of retreat and would love to help you imagine what time away at Hideaway Point could look like for you and your family, community, organization or business. Let us know how we can help.

Liz Goodgame